National Sleepy Head Day

I love the concept of today's celebration. When I read the name I thought it was perfect. It's celebrated in Finland on this day every day. The last person in bed is usually woken up with water, either by being thrown into a lake or the sea or having water thrown on them. Now my little sister was the last person out of bed today, but unfortunately I didn't know about the day until after she had gotten out of bed. It is based on the story of the Saints of Ephesus who slept in a cave for 200 years during the Middle Ages whilst hiding from persecution by the Roman Emperor.

In the city of Naantali, a Finnish celebrirty is chosen every year to be thrown in the sea from the city's port at 7 a.m. The identity of the sleeper is kept secret until the event. People who are chosen have usually done something to the benefit of the city. Every city mayor has thus far been thrown to the sea at least once, but other sleepers have included the president's husband, the CEO of Neste Oil, along with many writers, artists and politicians. The celebrations continue into the evening in Naantali and include activities for people of every age.

My celebrations involve a party at The Deep Nightclub, which I'm about to head off to, to kick off CupMatch 2011. Cup Match is a 2 day holiday in Bermuda on the last Thursday and Friday of the month of July, celebrating our emancipation. It revolves around a two day cricket match, but it's really not all about the cricket. There are loads of activities and everyone celebrates what becomes a four day weekend. CupMatch time gives true meaning to the phrase "60,000 (the pop. of Bermuda) alcoholics clinging to a rock."


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