
Showing posts from February, 2012

Pinterest & Party

It has been MONTHS since I've blogged, and yes there has been plenty to celebrate. With The Year of Celebration ending on March 31st, I figured I needed to start up again. I've just discovered Pinterest and I am in a word, OBSESSED. I could spend all day on that thing, it's like having a movable mood board. And I'm not one for liking a lot of solid paperwork around as I move so much, I'm definitely a keen member of the digital generation. My pinterest board is here .  It was my sister Nadia's 30th birthday a couple of weeks ago (picture of my Nadia and my mother Isabella at the party), and obviously that was a huge thing to celebrate. We bought a bunch of glasses from the Barn, and there were some old school 1920s style champagne glasses, so it felt a little art deco. There were fairy lights and tea lights everywhere. We started with a delicious dinner made by Nadia and the chef at Taste, Tammy for 30 people. Afterwards there was a raging house party with ...