
Showing posts from May, 2011

Fiesta Hermosa

As I'll be heading back to Bermuda in a couple of weeks for about half of the summer I decided to experience a little LA Culture at Fiesta Hermosa. I stumbled on it semi-accidentally because I was in the mood for chicken and waffles and googled somewhere near my place for it. I found Boogaloo's a Cajun/New Orleans style restaurant and hoped they might have similar food. Unbelievably, I managed to find parking right at the entrance to the fiesta and went for a hefty hangover breakkie along with the necessary bloody mary. However, I was a bit disappointed with the food and then even more annoyed as when I walked around Fiesta Hermosa there were loads of more delicious smelling food stands at a fraction of the price. In the beer garden there was a band playing, but the most entertaining was the older women dancing to the band. I just had to share pictures of them, because their outfits were outrageously hilarious. The one with the pink top was killing me with her early 90s throwb...


Many of my posts recently have been about advances in civil rights, which is great because I get a retrospective in how far we've come, especially in the last century. Today in 1967 Australians voted in favour of a constitutional referencdum which would grant the government the power to make laws that benefit indigenous aboriginal Australians. A phenomenal thing to celebrate. This weekend is the last weekend of Sand in the Air. We end tomorrow night. Tonight I had four friends come and see the show, which pleased me greatly. Afterwards, Josh, Matt and I went for drinks at Bar Pico, before I disappeared off to more beverages in Santa Monica. Josh's pilot "Revenge" was picked up by ABC and he'll be filming just up the street from me in Manhattan Beach come July. Please check it out in September when it premieres and until then watch the trailer . The pic is of the three of us. Sadly Gil Scott-Heron died today. A man who lived an interesting, yet often self-destructi...

Black History

No, clearly it is not Black History month, but the birthdays today inspire me to write something about it. It is the birthdays of Malcolm X (1925), Lorraine Hansberry (1930) and Grace Jones (1948), and in fact both Malcolm X and Lorraine Hansberry died in 1965. It is also my gorgeous little brother's birthday, so he's among some pretty great legends (that combined with his Barack Obama ears makes me certain he's a legend in the making himself). Happy 8th Birthday Saladin! Sorry I'm too far away and couldn't be with you today. Instead I had a hungover lunch at Sophie's again. Yes the service was again terrible due to understaffing, but the food was amazing. I had a MAP 'n' Cheese, which was the most calorific, yet delicious sandwich with pulled pork and mac n cheese in sourdough bread. After a nap I went for a beach run, so I'm sure I burnt off about a quarter of the calories. But then I was wildly late for the play, with only half an hour to get read...

Caught a Ghost

Today was one of those stay at home kind of days (when I know I should probably at least exercise, but whatever - that doesn't sound celebratory to me today). However, today is David Boreanaz's birthday and we all know what that means....a Buffy the Vampire Slayer marathon. Yes-I. (For those non-Bermudians amongst us that means "amazing", "fantastic", "yes" and generally positive exclamations). Late tonight I went to see the my friend Jesse Nolan's band Caught a Ghost concert at Spaceland in Silverlake, joined by the beautiful and talented Tessa Thompson. So today's music comes from them. Please "like" their page on Facebook . This song is 'Sleeping at Night 'and it's my favourite of theirs thus far. The video is also pretty rad, especially as I'm a little obsessed with stop-motion.

My Way

Today's post has a little bit of history, but mostly is about how I celebrated the day. Sometimes I realise celebrating is just about what I want to do without guidelines, without rules, and just going moment to moment and enjoying every single one of them. I recently moved in with my dad's friend Tal to his beach-house in Redondo Beach. I can wake up and smell the ocean and have tea on the roof terrace or wine in the evening. It's hard not to feel inspired here. Today I went to brunch in our little village at Sophie's. Great food, sadly terrible service, but because they're understaffed not because our waitress wasn't lovely. Bottomless Bloody Marys and Mimosas were in order so I was feeling pleasantly buzzed by 1pm. After which Tal took me on a little tour up the coast of Palos Verdes. We came upon a church, which used to be the oldest home in Palos Verdes, and where I decided to swing like a monkey. Then Tal took me to see some beautiful bougainvillea and his...

May The Fourth Be With You

Well today is officially STAR WARS DAY!! Like many, many people I watched all three original Star Wars on repeat throughout my childhood. And of course today I'm celebrating the one, the only, the sexy....Han Solo. I wanted to be Princess Leia not for the amazing braid danishes, but so Han would love me....sigh. Lots of other things to celebrate today including the fact that it's the 84th Anniversary of the founding of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences (without which we would have no Oscar which I'm going to win in a few years) and the date in 1959 that the 1st Grammy Awards were held. A day of movies and music...yes please! Today's Quote comes from Ernest Hemingway's The Old Man & the Sea, as he won the Pulitzer Prize for it on this date in 1953. "Every day is a new day. It is better to be lucky. But I would rather be exact. Then when luck comes you are ready."