
Showing posts from 2012

My Heart's On Fire

Yes, it's true. My heart is on fire. Ok, to be fair, it already was, but I'm on a high from last night's Passenger concert at the Vogue Theatre in Vancouver. I arrived in Canada yesterday and barely had time to settle in before the lovely one took me out for a night on the town. We arrived in the middle of the opening act's set, and unfortunately I didn't catch his name, but it was a delightful start. But I was really inspired by the second act, a young man named  Joshua Hyslop , who performed on his acoustic guitar with a cello for accompaniment.  The crowd was predominantly female (of all ages) and there were some drunken members there, especially the older women who kept yelling "You're ADORABLE!" at him. And to be fair, he was very adorable, and extremely talented. I look forward to hearing more from him. As for the main act, my love introduced me to Passenger and I was immediately hooked. I'm even more of a fan now. I have all his albu...

Return of the Li Li to La La

Image's been some time since I posted. Mostly because the Year of Celebration was over quite a while ago. When I started the blog I had only intended it to last a year, but often wondered whether I would continue. I started to lose momentum towards the end, but I've decided that why should celebrations only last one year. Maybe I should rename this to the YEARS of Celebration. Either way, I'm back in the blogosphere and will hopefully remain here for longer this time (no promises though!) After a year and a half away I'm back living in Los Angeles. I've missed it, and I forget the feeling it gives me when I'm here. I know a lot of people aren't LA fans, and to each their own, but for me it feels nourishing. That's not to say I don't have my freak-outs, or anxiety attacks (just had one earlier this evening to be fair!), but I feel like I'm moving forward at least through all of that.  Since I was 11 years old I've known I wanted to...

Pinterest & Party

It has been MONTHS since I've blogged, and yes there has been plenty to celebrate. With The Year of Celebration ending on March 31st, I figured I needed to start up again. I've just discovered Pinterest and I am in a word, OBSESSED. I could spend all day on that thing, it's like having a movable mood board. And I'm not one for liking a lot of solid paperwork around as I move so much, I'm definitely a keen member of the digital generation. My pinterest board is here .  It was my sister Nadia's 30th birthday a couple of weeks ago (picture of my Nadia and my mother Isabella at the party), and obviously that was a huge thing to celebrate. We bought a bunch of glasses from the Barn, and there were some old school 1920s style champagne glasses, so it felt a little art deco. There were fairy lights and tea lights everywhere. We started with a delicious dinner made by Nadia and the chef at Taste, Tammy for 30 people. Afterwards there was a raging house party with ...