Black History
No, clearly it is not Black History month, but the birthdays today inspire me to write something about it. It is the birthdays of Malcolm X (1925), Lorraine Hansberry (1930) and Grace Jones (1948), and in fact both Malcolm X and Lorraine Hansberry died in 1965.
It is also my gorgeous little brother's birthday, so he's among some pretty great legends (that combined with his Barack Obama ears makes me certain he's a legend in the making himself). Happy 8th Birthday Saladin! Sorry I'm too far away and couldn't be with you today. Instead I had a hungover lunch at Sophie's again. Yes the service was again terrible due to understaffing, but the food was amazing. I had a MAP 'n' Cheese, which was the most calorific, yet delicious sandwich with pulled pork and mac n cheese in sourdough bread. After a nap I went for a beach run, so I'm sure I burnt off about a quarter of the calories. But then I was wildly late for the play, with only half an hour to get ready!
Images of Malcolm X always remind me of my Dad, they had very similar essences, voices, and that tall lanky look with glasses. Here's his speech "By Any Means Necessary':
Here's Grace Jones "My Jamaican Guy", and obviously me above wearing one of my favourite t-shirts (Topshop) with Grace.
Today's Quote: Lorraine Hansberry from Raisin in the Sun:
"There is always something left to love. And if you ain't learned that, you ain't learned nothing." Act 3, pg. 135
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