My Heart's On Fire

Yes, it's true. My heart is on fire. Ok, to be fair, it already was, but I'm on a high from last night's Passenger concert at the Vogue Theatre in Vancouver. I arrived in Canada yesterday and barely had time to settle in before the lovely one took me out for a night on the town. We arrived in the middle of the opening act's set, and unfortunately I didn't catch his name, but it was a delightful start. But I was really inspired by the second act, a young man named Joshua Hyslop, who performed on his acoustic guitar with a cello for accompaniment. 

The crowd was predominantly female (of all ages) and there were some drunken members there, especially the older women who kept yelling "You're ADORABLE!" at him. And to be fair, he was very adorable, and extremely talented. I look forward to hearing more from him.

As for the main act, my love introduced me to Passenger and I was immediately hooked. I'm even more of a fan now. I have all his albums and have been listening to them incessantly today, my mind still dizzy from his excellent performance last night. His songs are filled with raw emotion, and he makes for a funny, slightly nerdy host with his quirky anecdotes that explain his songs. At least, I personally found them entertaining. One woman in the audience...not so much. During a particularly emotional explanation a woman in the front row yelled "DRINK YOUR WHISKY AND STOP BEING A PUSSY". I must say it was a rather awkward interruption. He responded elegantly, wondering how much whisky she'd had to drink and continued with his story.

'My Heart's On Fire' is the song that the boy sent me when we were apart for many months and so it holds special significance for me as it reminds me of him. Passenger didn't play it last night, but I found this version on youtube and thought I'd share it. It's definitely worth a listen.  


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